divendres, 4 de juny del 2010

Final reflection

Well we have finished this hard year, and I'm much better now that at the beggining. I loved our English class, participating in some talkings, activities, and listentings wich we've done in this year. My best improvement was on the oral presentations. I think that each presentation was better than the last one and I'm glad to know that I'm getting better English level. I know that I have to learn from my mistakes and do my best to evoid them, but everytime there will be a new mistake, and a new prupose to get the best level of English.
Well before I forget I'll say that the post which shows my best English level is about the Frankenstain. In that post I was very concentrated and tried to not makeany mistake and use a lot of linkers and words which enrich my post.
Also I found very useful the listening task because if you're good on writing tasks and vocabulary you must learn how to spell the words and start to talk with others in English. This shows your real level of English, and I think that talking I'm fluent and I my spelling is quite good.
Going to the next question I want to say that everything was useful because I learnt from every task I've done and all activities vere worth to do .
For my ending I want to ask my English teacher something that I need next year in English class obligatory and it's oral presentations. Why? Well because I've learnt a lot from them and also I practiced my speaking. Well also I would meet next year the listenings which grows my mark of the exams. I enjoyed really this year and hope so the next year.

diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010

After the batxillerat

Sometimes I start to think about what should I do after I end batxillerat, and my wish is to inscribe in girona's University, and study ingeneer. When we went there for first time, I got a felling that coming here to study, would be great. I really want to try this because I'm interested on it, and if it's not possible to go, I'll try to go at Superior Cycle degrees, and study for informatic and electronic. But I'll work hard to get my first option. If you want something , you have to work hard for it.

Film review- Prince of Persia

Last week I've seen this amazing movied in the cinema, and I liked it a lot. The movie is about a adventurous warrior that fights against other people, go on exciting places and do impossible things, like go to the past.
in my opinion this movie is bit fantastic and short, there could be the second part of this great movie. In other words I love this kind of movies, that people go on war and get in love with somebody important in the movie. If I were you, I'd go to see this great movie, it's worth of it. Oh and don't forget the popcorns hahahah!

This can't be happening ?!

Last day I heard from my friend that cinemas aren't going to put all the good films which we want to see, for example Saw VI. I loved the fifth part of this horror movie, and I would watch this one too like the others, but they decided that this part is too cruel and this can influence people in some bad way, I don't believe that, they just want to put movies which will get most audience and not some exciting movies that are worth of the approval. Now I just can download this movie from internet and watch it at home, but it's not the same feeling which you get watching in the cinema. This is my opinion about the clean cinema idea, what do you think about it?


Centuries ago the humans need to contact with other people who lived far away from each other, and taking a journey, it was bit dangerous and expensive. So they started sending letters, and this was a good idea, without going outside you could write a simple letter to your friend to ask how's he going, or ask for some information. Nowadays we don't use much this idea of sending letters, instead of this, we call to our fried by phone, or write to him by e-mail or write to him at instant message program. What will happen in the future, will the communication change to a new one and be the best of all? Will this change our lives? What we know is that, we will be able to speak with all the people arround the world whenever we want.


dijous, 20 de maig del 2010

BBC news:

Men's skin cancer of laying too many hours on the beach has doubled in over 30 years. This cancer can bring even the death if it's not controled. Womans also may get this cancer more often, to prevent this we should put on a t-shirt and a hat to protect against the sun, or sunscreen. It depends of the age of the people to know if they will probably die of this cancer or not. I think that we should respect more our skin, and always try to put on some clothes , to not get burnt or absorb too many ultraviolated radiations. In my own case I try to put on the sunblock or a hat, because this isn't a joke, everyone could die from this.